
Gate folded card

Hi there!

A week ago, Jennifer McGuire posted in her blog a tutorial which included a video on how to make a gate folded card. I loved it (thanks Jennifer for sharing!!) so I made one myself (and a video too!). I used the same measurements but converting to centimeters. I don't remember where I bought the border die but you can use whatever you have for this.

By the way, I know that my camera is having problems focusing. It seems that the table is to close for the normal focus and too far for using the macro option. I´ll try to fix it soon but, in the meantime, I hope you don't mind to watch the videos in a not-so-good quality. I'm really sorry! :-(

The supply list is at the end. Hope you like it and get inspired. Have fun!


Fa una setmana, la Jennifer McGuire va publicar en el seu blog un tutorial que incloïa un video de com fer una postal de porta. Em va encantar (gràcies Jennifer per compartir!) així que n'he fet una. He fet servir les mateixes mesures que ella però en centímetres. No recordo on vaig comprar el troquel del marge, però pots fer servir un altre que tinguis. 

Per cert, ja sé que la meva càmera no està gravant massa bé. Sembla ser que no és una bona càmera per gravar coses de molt aprop. Espero poder-ho arreglar aviat i mentrestant espero que no t'importi veure els videos en una qüalitat no massa bona. Em sap greu! :-(

La llista dels materials està al final. Espero que t'agradi i que t'inspiri. Diverteix-te!

- WPlus9:
- Wink of Stella
- Colored with: Spectrum noir

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